
Clare Gangadeen, Saddle Fitting Agent for Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Hampshire

Clare Gangadeen - Saddle Fitting Agent for Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Hampshire


Clare Gangadeen, Saddle Fitter for Berkshire, Hampshire and Oxfordshire and her "Girls" Friesians, Rana and Annick <a class=

solothurn tax 2019. " width="300" height="200" srcset="https://www.saddlingsolutions.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/clare-gangadean-300x200.jpg 300w, https://www.saddlingsolutions.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/clare-gangadean-150x100.jpg 150w, https://www.saddlingsolutions.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/clare-gangadean-768x512.jpg 768w, https://www.saddlingsolutions.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/clare-gangadean-900x600.jpg 900w, https://www.saddlingsolutions.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/clare-gangadean.jpg 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> Clare Gangadeen, Saddle Fitter for Berkshire, Hampshire and Oxfordshire and her “Girls” Friesians, Rana and Annick.

Clare, the Founder of RiderCise®, is a qualified, registered and insured Personal Trainer, Functional Coach and Soft Tissue Therapist with over 12 years in the fitness industry and 20 years experience with horses youtube video downloaden mit untertitel. She lives in Newbury, Berkshire and own’s two 8 year old Friesian mares, Annick – 2nd Premier Star Mare and Rana – 3rd Premier mare herunterladen. The ‘Girls’ are her world!

“We often obtain feedback on our posture/position and are shown/told the areas for improvements, but often than not, not how to correct them zeichnungen zum herunterladen. Unfortunately, changing posture/position in the saddle is not always as easy as just ‘sitting up straight/tall’ or pushing your ‘heels down’. It may be achieved short term, during a lesson for example, but if the rider has  muscular-skeletal restrictions/imbalances and/or the rider is not ‘conditioned (causes) for the range of movement and muscular recruitment, it is not achievable long term and forcing these ‘changes’ without addressing the cause(s) could further inhibit the ability to perform and the comfort to do so.”

Clare’s aims to improve Riding Equilibrium and Rider Performance through Soft Tissue Therapy, Conditioning Clinics/Programmes and Saddles that allow both horse and rider to perform and enjoy horse riding, at any level, in any discipline – ‘Providing Solutions, not Problems’

Friesian Saddle“Both of my horses have ‘The Cadence’ model saddle from Saddle Exchange Saddles but different types due to their body types quizduell download for free.

Rana has a ‘Comfort Elite’ Cadence Mono Flap Dressage Saddle with a Cob Tree as she body shape is more ’native’ type with a  flatter back (table top) and little wither java 64 bit download windows 10 deutsch kostenlos. Her movement is also more pony like, with ‘normal’ range of motion in the shoulder.

Annick is fitted with a ‘Reactor Panel’ Cadence Mono Flap Dressage Saddle as her body shape is more of a sports horse, with more wither and huge shoulder, her movement is also  extremely large with greater rotation of the shoulder and a high knee action The panels allow even weight distribution whilst allowing her huge shoulder to rotate underneath giving her the freedom to move beneath me naturally, whilst keeping me in secure on board.”

Call out £35 for one to one at your own yard, £18 each for 2 horses , same yard and £15 per horse for 3+ same yard herunterladen. Flocking re balance £30.

To read more about Clare’s Story please go to her page on our customer’s stories.

Address: Newbury Based

Mobile: 07920 445979
Email: Clare@ridercise.co.uk
Website: https://www.ridercise.co.uk/

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